Training Insights: Netherlands

Successful training for increasing energy awareness in Dutch organizations

On March 10, 2020, about 20 participants joined the Dutch Train-the-Trainer session to increase energy awareness in the organization. The training was conducted by KWA and TNO. “Companies must start now in order not to get into trouble in a few years. The questions I hear during this training are mainly about how you start; how do you communicate the urgency to your higher management. We understand how difficult that is, we try to make that easier,” says Suzanne Brunsting of TNO.

The behavioural component was an essential aspect in the Dutch workshops

The training was given as part of the EU project INDUCE. The behavioural component is essential for the energy transition in companies to succeed. INDUCE has tailor-made training materials for the food industry to help companies increase energy awareness and implement energy saving measures. In the Netherlands, the project was carried out by FNLI, TNO and KWA.

How did participants experience the training and what do they encounter in their company around this topic? “It’s all about time and money. To give an example, that flue gas cooler has already been ordered, and then I arrive with energy efficiency. That is quite difficult. The Induce website contains tools that we can use to convince our colleagues. And not to forget the management,” one of the participants said.

Another participant noted: “What I realize today, so much is coming at us. Matters that will influence the business processes. With the tools provided, I can make calculations and submit them within the company. That provides insight.”

All participants were trained to become an INDUCE certified trainer. They were provided with a step-by-step plan so that they can record the needs within their company regarding energy-related topics, and subsequently design a custom program for effective interventions targeting the management and employees using the INDUCE toolkit.

At the end of the full day training, all of them reflected positively on what they had learned and all went home with a plan for putting the information to use. Participants will be invited to a follow-up webinar to further assist them with developing their training programs.